Confirmation of In-Person Learning- 1/19/2021


Dear Parents,

It is our pleasure to welcome you back to in-person instruction at Galapagos Rockford Charter School. Going into our third quarter our staff is committed to rigorous instruction and academic improvement. Our goal is to ensure that each scholar is prepared to meet the academic rigor of college and career readiness and be at grade level of knowledge and literacy skills in a safe and supportive learning environment whether it be remote or in person.

Confirmation of Instruction/Status: Starting January 19th, your scholar will receive IN-PERSON instruction.

Bus Schedules/Routes: If you requested bussing, RPS will be emailing out your bus assignments by January 14th. If you have not received your assignment or have further questions, feel free to contact your Deans of Culture at the respective campuses.  Please note that RPS must have all proper forms and that your current address must be on file at the RPS Welcome Center in order to receive bussing.  You also must live more than 1.5 miles from the campus to receive bussing.

Safety protocols – Our COVID-19 protocols are still in effect. If you, someone you know, or your scholar have been or potentially have been exposed to COVID-19, keep your scholar home and contact your Deans of Culture respective campus as soon as possible. The scholar must show a negative COVID test result and no symptoms before they can return to campus. The following safety measures are being adhered to at each campus:

  • All scholars and staff are required to wear a mask at school.
  • Every person entering has their temperature checked daily.
  • Hand sanitizer is used both when entering and leaving the building.
  • We will follow the CDC guidelines of Social Distancing and keep 6 feet of distance from each other whenever possible.
  • All surfaces are sanitized and cleaned after each use.

Pick-Up Patrol:  We are using Pick Up Patrol (PUP) as a method of communication if you need to report an absence, late start or early release. Check your email for the Welcome to Pick Up Patrol letter. In the letter, it will have an unique link for you to register your scholar(s) into the system. We are requesting that you complete the Health Screening section for your scholar(s) prior to Tuesday January 19th. You can get familiar with Pick Up Patrol by clicking here

After School X: After School X activities will continue as we return to our hybrid model. All scholars, remote and in person, are invited to participate in activities created to be meaningful, rigorous, and enriching. The updated offerings for the third quarter will be published in the coming week and available for sign up on-line at our store on

Report Card Conferences: It is that time again for Q2 conferences.  Please go to and sign up with your scholar’s instructor for conferences.  This is a great time to connect and see all the great work your child or children have been doing during remote learning.

We have mutual goals for our scholars: academic success and social skills development. By working together and monitoring your scholar’s progress daily, we can mutually achieve these important goals.

Help your scholar succeed by maintaining that he/she:

  • Attends school daily and on time. Scholar is considered tardy at 7:55am.
  • Is prepared with all instructional materials including having his/her electronic device fully charged
  • Each scholar must attend school in full uniform and abide by any safety protocol in place.
  • Monitor their classwork/homework by monitoring their courses via Google Classroom.
  • Parents need to stay informed and email instructors when questions arise.
  • It is important for parents and scholars to keep up with grades throughout the school year. Grades are accessible via Kickboard

Galapagos to Go food boxes: food boxes are available for every child who attends GRCS.  Each box contains food that should cover seven lunches and 7 breakfasts.   If you are interested in ordering a box or boxes, please go to and click on Galapagos to Go. Boxes must be ordered by each Tuesday for pick-up on the following Monday.  All pick-ups will occur at the Lower Academy from 11am to 5pm.

Thank you so much for the continued support and cooperation.




Deans of Instruction:                                                               Deans of Culture:

Stacey Puckett, Lower Academy                                           Alexia Carifio, Lower Academy

Sabreena Ratani, Upper Academy                                        John Oliver, Upper Academy