David Taber- President
Patrick Love

Patrick Love has served as a charter school leader in Chicago, IL for the past 18 years. In 2011, he became principal of Alain Locke Charter School, which serves the under-resourced community in East Garfield Park on Chicago’s West Side and has led the school’s nationally recognized academic success. Patrick has been in the forefront of the national transition to the Common Core State Standards. His work has been highlighted by the National Charter School Resource Center in the “Transition to the Common Core” case study series. Prior to joining Alain Locke, Patrick helped start three charter schools in Chicago. He also participated in the Execution in Entrepreneurial School Leadership Program which is an intensive two-year leadership training program developed by the Accelerate Institute.
Michael Lane

Josh Binning

Joshua Binning is a life-long resident of the Rockford area and is the owner of Lucha Cantina here in Rockford, IL. Part of the mission of Lucha Cantina is to be involved in the community where they do business. For Joshua, part of his community involvement is being a board member at Galapagos Rockford Charter Schools. Having attended private schools himself, Joshua understands the impact that private and charter schools have on scholars. One of the reasons he chose to be on the Galapagos board was to help ensure that scholars from all backgrounds would be able to receive an education in an environment where much is expected and excellence is the standard.
Joshua Matthews 
Josh Matthews grew up in southern Wisconsin. He attended the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater where he doubled majored in Biology and Geology, graduating in 2003. During his time at UWW, Josh studied paleoecology of invertebrate communities from rocks in southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. After earning his bachelors degree, Josh moved on to graduate school at Northern Illinois University to begin a master’s degree in the Department of Geography.
During his time at NIU, he began volunteering as a fossil preparator in the paleontology lab at the Burpee Museum. Following the opening of the Jane exhibit in 2005, Josh was invited to join a small expedition to southeastern Montana to search for more dinosaur fossils. It is during this trip that the Burpee Triceratops, Homer, was discovered by local Rockford native, Helmuth Redschlag. Further excavation of the site in the summer of 2006 revealed that there were multiple Triceratops specimens preserved at the site, making it the first documented occurrence of a Triceratops bonebed. This site became the focus of Josh’s Masters thesis.
He was then hired as a fossil preparator on the Homer project for which he worked for several years. Upon completion of the Homer project, he accepted the position of Chief Fossil Preparator and Research Assistant to Dr. William Hammer in the Geology Department at Augustana College. While at Augustana, Josh was part of the Transantarctic Vertebrate Paleontology Project and was part of an expedition to search for dinosaurs in Antarctica in the winter of 2010/2011. The fossils collected during this expedition were brought back to Augustana College where he worked on removing the remains from the rock in his prep lab.
In 2014, he left his position at Augustana and returned to NIU to pursue his PhD in the Department of Biological Sciences. As a PhD student working for Dr. Karen Samonds, he spent two field seasons searching and excavating fossils in Cenozoic deposits in Madagascar. For his doctoral research, he is studying the biostratigraphy of the Hell Creek Formation in Carter County, Montana and documenting faunal change throughout the formation up to and across the K/Pg boundary.
Josh is currently the Vice President of Operations & Research and the Engelhardt-Moore Director of Paleontology at the Burpee Museum of Natural History where he runs the Jay & Barbara Brost Paleo Viewing Lab, manages the Paleontology and Geology collections, conducts research and prepares and leads summer expeditions to field sites in southeastern Montana and southern Utah. Josh enjoys supporting GRCS scholars who are able to travel to Utah every summer to work alongside him.
Dr. Jon Lippitz
Javier Cruz

Javier Cruz has been the Parent Board Member position for the past year. He is no newcomer to understanding and pursuing the values of GRCS. He is the father of three scholar founders, two of whom have been recognized as class Valedictorians. Javier is very passionate about the future not only of his children but of scholars in the GRCS community. He is currently a communications technician in the Business / Technical Operations department with Comcast. He loves spending time with his family and enjoys backpacking, ice hockey, rock music, primarily in Spanish, and world art films.